Friday, January 9, 2009

Here it is!! First update EVER!!

OK, so this is my blog. I think I'll start a little project! I'll start doing picture edits... PREFERABLY video game characters... anyway, here you go!! Sorry, I suck at picture editing... well anyway, DOUBLE UPDATE!!

It'sa ME!! Mario, well, kinda... I turned pink and um... round. I lost my hat because well, I got hungry...

This one was kinda based of my friend... yeah... I stole the hairdew and tried to recreate her facial designs... XP

Well, can't wait to update again!!


Connell said...

Hi you follow mah blog and I came to check things out. These are looking pretty good but get a bigger image of Zamus to work with so its not all pixxelly. Kario/Mirby looks good.